Greens Bush – The Fox and the Cuckoo
An early morning follow-up visit to Greens Bush produced a few interesting bird shots as well as a young fox exploring his neck of the woods. The Eastern Spinebills were fighting with the New Holland...
View ArticleDandenong Valley Wetlands, Wheelers Hill
A late afternoon and evening walk around the Dandy Valley wetlands produced a good list of bird species (50+) and a few nice photo opportunities in the evening light. I met up with a birding mate,...
View ArticleWoodlands Industrial Park – calls of childhood
After the early morning encounter with my little White-plumed Honeyeater friend and watching his gang take on a rival New Holland Honeyeater tribe we continued our walk into the wetlands and bordering...
View ArticleMeeting the new Neighbours
I have been hearing Black-Faced Cuckoo Shrikes for a few weeks now and seen them flying over Elster Creek and along my street with what seemed to be mouthfuls of food. Last night I finally found, a few...
View ArticleGreens Bush – The Fox and the Cuckoo
An early morning follow-up visit to Greens Bush produced a few interesting bird shots as well as a young fox exploring his neck of the woods. The Eastern Spinebills were fighting with the New Holland...
View ArticleDandenong Valley Wetlands, Wheelers Hill
A late afternoon and evening walk around the Dandy Valley wetlands produced a good list of bird species (50+) and a few nice photo opportunities in the evening light. I met up with a birding mate,...
View ArticleWoodlands Industrial Park – calls of childhood
After the early morning encounter with my little White-plumed Honeyeater friend and watching his gang take on a rival New Holland Honeyeater tribe we continued our walk into the wetlands and bordering...
View ArticleMeeting the new Neighbours
I have been hearing Black-Faced Cuckoo Shrikes for a few weeks now and seen them flying over Elster Creek and along my street with what seemed to be mouthfuls of food. Last night I finally found, a few...
View ArticleGoschen Bushland Reserve revisted
Last weekend I headed to the northern part of the state. I wanted to revisit the Goschen Bushland Reserve on the edge of the Mallee country. The state has been receiving a higher than average amount of...
View ArticleA Spring walk to the beach.
Nothing like a walk on a lovely spring’s day after so much bad weather. I am pretty lucky that I can walk out my back gate down the local creek and to the Elwood beach. Along the way I can find all...
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